When they ask me what is the best pairing with a wine, I answer: “the best pairing with a wine is the person you share it with”.
And from sharing comes the desire to give a story to each glass.
I produce wine for passion, inside it there is love, dedication, care, each bottle tells the territoriality, the tradition and the craftsmanship, it tells about me and what I want to convey. The passion that led me into the world of wine has matured over the years with tastings, comparisons with connoisseurs and evenings with friends. Driven by the desire to share an emotion I wanted to take this path.
The great terroir of Etna, the cradle of native vines such as Nerello Mascalese, Carricante and Minnella, offers me the opportunity to produce my wines while trying to maintain a unique identity. I select the best grapes, limiting interventions in the vineyard as much as possible, in the belief that only by indulging nature and respecting the territory we can obtain wines capable of exciting.
“Wine is sharing and inside each glass we will always find a story to tell, and this is mine.”
(Roberto Abbate)